Following my previous post, WordPress 2.7 Coming Tomorrow, which meant to users, the self-hosted version is available NOW. WordPress 2.7 “Coltrane”, is available on site. When you logged in to your WordPress control panel, you will be prompt with a “WordPress 2.7 is available!” notification.

Enjoy your new WordPress release ! 🙂
is it available on our fantastico panel yet…?
err wait, do you share the same domain/hosting with me..?
The version on my fantastico is quite old (2.5.1). That’s why I don’t use it.
ajaq camna nak install sendiri tanpa guna fantastico 🙂
Easiest way without fantastico:
1. Install WordPress Automatic Upgrade
2. Login to your WordPress Control Panel.
3. Just click the link available to upgrade.
4. Done.
woww… what a cool site! i wanna do some trade link if it’s allowed… thnx…
Finally… too bad I’m gonna be super busy. Anyone in this loop has upgraded?
The best part is the final manual upgrade part, after this automatic upgrades!
I’ve updated to 2.7, woohoo!! So far so good. 🙂
me too 🙂
nothing problem…and all the plugins working fine..
Glad to hear no problem on 2.7. Very scare that the plugins will not work well on new version.
I am so loving this version of wordpress… So easy to navigate.. 🙂
@jayce, @cashmere: I love wordpress too. And yeah, the plugins still works 🙂