Software engineering 2025

I wanted to specify the title as “Software engineering state of play 2025” but that would be a bit too lengthy. Also, why 2025, since it’s still 2024? Well, 2025 just sounds better—halfway between 2020 and 2030, and it’s almost 2025, anyway. Compared to a decade ago, when all a software engineer needed on their […]

One for Feb 2020

In October 2008, I wrote about the RAHMAN theory: Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj Tun Abdul Razak Tun Hussein Onn Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Today it’s the MAHATHIR theory: Mahathir Again Mahathir Hanya Mahathir Always Mahathir Tun Mahathir Harap-harap, Mahathir lah Is it gonna be Anwar? […]

.NET web dev landscape – past and present

Around twelve years ago, the .NET web-based tech stack was most definitely ASP.NET Web Forms, and maybe ASMX web services. A few years after that came WCF and its associated SOAP, XML, and endpoint configuration madness. Silverlight made a brief hyped-up appearance then disappeared. Then came ASP.NET MVC, with Stack Overflow being its very successful […]

You know you’re old when …

You know you’re old when kids open Windows Explorer and ask, “why do the drive letters start from C?” and you explain that, in the old days, DOS assigned drive letters A and B to the floppy disk drives; then they ask, “what’s DOS? What’s a floppy disk?” You know your are old when all […]

Different technology, same excuse

“Just because I didn’t send you a smoke signal doesn’t mean I don’t care” “Just because I didn’t send you a homing pigeon doesn’t mean I don’t care” “Just because I didn’t write you a letter doesn’t mean I don’t care” “Just because I didn’t telegram you doesn’t mean I don’t care” “Just because I […]