Ubuntu Dust Theme

I have just installed a new sexy theme on my Ubuntu Hardy, replacing the default brown and orange theme that hated by a lot of people. The Dust Theme. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/DustTheme Dust is a concept for a new, refreshing look for Ubuntu. The idea was to take the defining aesthetic elements of Ubuntu and remix it […]

Accessing Remote Drive in Linux via SSHFS

There may be a case where you may want to access a certain directory or drive on a remote machine, and mount it to your local PC. For example, I have a headless CentOS box running Apache where all of my web application codes are sitting. Editing those web application codes are a nightmare when […]

Drop it, Dropbox!

It’s been awhile since I’m searching for a perfect online backup application. I’ve tried many, but none have really captured my attention. Not until I’ve tried Dropbox. Dropbox is a free, multi-platform, online backup and synchronization application. My first attraction to Dropbox is because the client tools supports Linux. It also suports Mac OSX, and […]

Save MySQL Output to a Text File

I have just found out a nifty little trick regarding MySQL output the other day. I just had to put this up as a reminder to myself, and also to share with the viewers. Let say, you want to have the output of your SELECT statement created to a text file. The MySQL database server […]