Favourite movie quotes

These are my favourite movie quotes, which I could rattle off, anytime:

1. “Adaptation, improvization; your weakness is not your technique.”

2. “I did not choose. I was born, and I am.”

3. “A sad commentary in and of itself.”

As a software developer I’m just waiting for the chance to say the first one during peer review, but so far, not yet. Or perhaps I keep forgetting to do so because my subconscious isn’t allowing me to look stupid. There were, however, a few occasions when I had the opportunity to say the second one – without exception, they were during the “death march” stage of projects in which my colleague and I would miserably ask ourselves how we ended up in the programming profession.

What are your favourite movie quotes, and have you ever used them in real life?

Is blogging dead?

No, but might as well be …

I would say blogging technology is like a human being in his or her mid-forties: mature, established, still able to contribute to society, but decidedly less attractive compared to a certain twenty-year old. (No prizes for guessing who that twenty-year old is.)

One side effect of having amnesia …

… is that you’ll no longer be able to access your email, Facebook, Twitter, and online banking accounts.

Unless, of course, you had clicked “Stay signed in”!

But then you won’t be able to login to your PC as you don’t know the password.

We can imagine Jason Bourne going through hand-to-hand combat, high speed car chases, shootings and explosions, and finally he reaches his former trainer. He puts a gun to Hirsch’s head.

Bourne: What’s my Facebook password? Tell me now!
Dr. Albert Hirsch: b0urne123! Zero for the “o”.

TV Q’s

I’ve been watching a bit more Astro than I usually do these past few weeks. A few questions come to mind:

  1. Is there an episode of Mr. Bean that I haven’t seen, like, 10 times?
  2. Will the scriptwriters of The Simpsons ever run out of ideas?
  3. What is the point of Life After People? By definition, why should we even care?
  4. (Wall-E was shown on the Disney Channel recently) How do we know that EVE is female? But she unmistakeably is one, isn’t she?
  5. Am I the only one who’s bored with reality shows, and who wishes that outlandish car chase sequences with “teba-bo” explosions would make a comeback soon? (While we’re on the subject, Mack trucks ploughing through roadblocks would be also be nice! But cops on motorbikes in tight uniforms should remain tucked away in the past, thanks.)

How To Share Media Between PlayStation 3 and Linux

A while ago I have posted on How To Share Media Between XBOX 360 and Linux. It also can be as easy with PlayStation 3 and Linux, with PS3 Media Server. Below are the steps that diablo 2 items suggests which can let you achieve that.

Install necessary codex or media player:
sudo apt-get install vlc ffmpeg mencoder mplayer

Install Sun Java:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts

Download PS3 Media Server. Then extract the downloaded tar to any location:
tar xzf pms-generic-linux-unix-1.20.412.tgz

Go to the folder that you have just extracted:
cd pms-linux-1.20.412/

Run the PS3 Media Server simply by:
Command above will open the PlayStation 3 Media Server user interface.

Movie Subtitles on Ubuntu 10.10
The yesgamers is the d2 store points out that the subtitle broke for Ubuntu 10.10. This is due to Mplayer needs to know the location of a TrueType Font to show movie subtitles. Command below will fix it:
sudo apt-get install ttf-bitstream-vera

ln -sv /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf

Disable ASS/SSA subtitles:
1. Go to PS3 Media Server user interface. Go to “Transcoding Settings” tab.
2. Uncheck ASS/SSA subtitles checkbox.